Select multiple files to download
To select multiple files, open the folder, hold down the “Ctrl key” and select the files by clicking on them with your mouse pointer. After selecting, you can copy or cut and paste them where needed. How To Download Multiple Files At Once From Google Drive; When working with Microsoft Windows, macOS, (or any operating system with a GUI), you may want to select multiple files to copy, delete, or move them all at once. The following sections describe different methods of selecting multiple files or folders. Select all the files or folders in. · Select multiple files or folders that are not grouped together Click the first file or folder, and then press and hold the Ctrl key. While holding Ctrl, .
This video will show you how you download multiple files at a time from the web browser version of Google Drive. You can even download entire folders or more. Select the message with multiple attachments inside. Note: You can open the message on the same screen or a new message window. Click the down arrow icon on the attachment file and select Save all attachments in the menu box. Note: If Save all attachments is not there, click on File tab and select Save Attachments option. I am trying to use in a loop to download multiple files. I have a table in which i can select file's, then i run a loop of selected and try navigate to the file path to download the files. I keep only getting the last file to download.
To select multiple files, open the folder, hold down the “Ctrl key” and select the files by clicking on them with your mouse pointer. After selecting, you can copy or cut and paste them where needed. To select multiple files using the Shift key you can use it in combination with the arrow keys. First, use the tab button or the mouse to select any file on the list. Hold down the shift button and use the navigation arrows on your keyboard, to select the files. Hi Luc, you can only download one file at a time from the web interface, if you want to download multiple files then I'd suggest to use the "Open with Explorer" function and copy the files from there to a location on your PC.